Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences


The master’s course of the Subprogram in Literature has the 3 subjects of “Skills in Reading Literature and Documents” (比較文学), “Comparative Literature” (比較文学), and “Studies of Representation and Culture” (表象文化論) as compulsory general foundation subjects and studies the basics of literary research approach. Major subjects consist of 3 major groups. (1) Group of subjects centered on literary theory and methods of analysis (2) Group of subjects centered on the analysis of literature for different countries (3) Group of subjects for the writing of the master’s thesis (thesis supervision) (1) deals with a central focus on theoretical research, comparative research, etc. based on a radical research approach and (2) deals in thorough analysis of literature for Oriental and classical studies and different countries including Japan, England and English-speaking countries, France, and China. After taking up subjects based on the awareness of respective issues, for (3), “Seminar in Literature Research” (文学研究演習) is taken as a compulsory subject for 2nd-year students and the master’s thesis is written under the supervision of an academic advisor. Out of the need for research along the way, subjects can also be taken in other subprograms of the Master’s Program in Humanities. By learning the diversity of literary research approaches, the ability to multidirectionally approach literary phenomenon can be acquired.

For the doctoral course, students take the “Dissertation Writing” (文学論文演習) and aim at writing their doctoral dissertation in 3 years under the supervision of a number of academic advisors. Students are also actively supported in workshops, academic conferences, and research activities overseas. First-year students in particular take the “The Art of Academic Writing” (英語文献講読) and acquire academic writing skills.
